How to Choose a LED Heat Sink – Few Tips to Follow

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-06-30      Origin: Site

All high output LEDs usually have a tendency to dissipate a significant lot of heat. Since light and heat go hand in hand, an LED that is emitting high light output is bound to get heated up rather quickly. This heat can have an adverse impact on not only the performance of the LED but overheating can also damage the LED permanently. Also, reduction in the intensity of light output and alteration in color output are some other effects of LED overheating.  

Heat Sinks – A Feasible Solution to LED Overheating

This is the reason why it is advised to use LED heat sinks to make sure your LED lighting system is protected from any sort of damage and its operating life enhanced as well. However, choosing the right LED heat sink can be bit of a problem for many, especially for people who have zero experience in this area. The following section will guide you through the process of choosing a heat sink for LEDs. If you are a newbie in this landscape, this article will definitely interest you.

The Size Guide

Heat sinks are devices that are typically used to remove and dissipate heat from LEDs. The size of these heat sinks depends on following factors. Take a look,
·         The number of LEDs being powered
·         The temperature of the surrounding in which LEDs are being operated
·         Led wattage
·         The manner in which LED is being fitted, whether in an open or enclosed space

Try Empirical Approach

Since a detailed thermal analysis to design an effective LED cooling system is a rather expensive proposition, it is advised to have an empirical approach in this regard. This method usually involves a trial and error technique that determines how to cool LEDs.
You will need following data to start with choosing the right heat sink for your LED lighting system.
·         The air temperature under which the LED will be lightened up
·         The total of all thermal resistances between the ambient air and the LED junction
·         Total heat that will dissipated in Watts
After you have compiled the above mentioned data, you can use heat sink e-calculators that are available on the web to find out the exact measure of thermal conductivity value of LED heat sink that will be ideal for your LED lighting system.
Xicato LED cooling systems are among one of the prominent heat sinks that are preferable for both home and commercial LED lighting systems. These LED cooling systems are engineered out of sheer precision and high quality components that ensure minimal overheating and prevent LEDs from getting damaged due to high temperature.